Friday, October 14, 2022

how shady are carbon offsetting schemes



Based on your platform, we think your readers would value information on how shady several carbon offsetting schemes are.


As I'm sure you're aware, there are several carbon-offsetting projects that have been marked as shady. However, there are several projects that had a positive impact on climate change. For example, Myclimate, they have partnered with a chocolate company and were able to reduce its annual CO2 emissions by 75,526t


I'm the content manager working with Switch Plan, a major player in the UK telecommunications market. I have sent you an article about If Carbon Offsetting Schemes are Shady which can be found in the link below. Covering topics from what carbon offsetting schemes have miserably failed.  


According to a study that Compensate has conducted, 91% of carbon offsetting projects fail and become shady with their clients. Thus, we thought information regarding Carbon Offsetting would be beneficial for your audience. 


If you would like to link our article to one of your student resources pages, please feel free to do so. If you would like an HTML-ready version of the article to post on your website, let us know and we will provide it for you, free of any cost.


If you decide to post our article, feel free to adjust the article itself to the content needs of your website. In case you do use our article, we only ask that you cite us as a reference: Carbon Offsetting Schemes in order to avoid problems with copywriting and plagiarism defined by Google. 



Best regards,

Kendall Clarke

Content Manager 

Switch Plan

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